Research Committee (RC)
The Research Committee is the enabling agent of the FEHRL mission and the key implementer of the FEHRL strategy. It acts as the focal point of FEHRL operations and is responsible for several Business Initiatives voted by the FGA.
Xavier Cocu Chairman BRRC |
Dafina Pangarova RBI
Mario Bačić UNIZGFCE |
Minas Tapakis PWD |
Rudolf Cholava CDV |
Katja Udbye Christensen DTI |
Fabienne Anfosso Uni Eiffel |
Dirk Jansen BASt |
Christina Plati NTUA |
Bencze Zsolt KTI Hungarian Institute for Transport Sciences and Logistics |
Ciaran McNally UCD |
Alain O'Connor TCD |
Shlomo Bechor TRI |
Jānis Baumanis LVC |
George Blasen PCH |
TU Delft |
Greet Leegwater TNO |
Hrefna Vignisdottir SINTEF |
Maciej Maliszewski IBDiM |
Ana Cristina Freire LNEC |
Dana Sitanyiova University of Zilina |
Darko Kokot ZAG |
María N. Sánchez Pallarés |
Ellen Grumert VTI |
Aybike Öngel BFH |
Ahmet Sağlık KGM |
Bohdan Stasiuk NIDI |