

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

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30 September - 03 October 2024 in Brussels


4 days of International Project Management Training 


➡️ We will have two options:

👉 Registration for the whole 4 days which includes the one-day course on project finances scheduled for 3 October 2024.

👉 Registration only for the one-day finance training on 3rd October 2024.

By addressing the project management principles, the training course is aimed at project coordinators, managers, and administrators. It will show them how to:

  • prepare winning proposals,
  • build a consortium with multi-national partners,
  • manage projects (administrative, technical, human, and financial management),
  • develop robust dissemination, exploitation and implementation of results,
  • communicate effectively with internal and external stakeholders,
  • manage risks and develop contingencies,
  • increase the organisational and financial know-how.

✅ The cost of this 4-day course (including the one-day course on project finance) is 1100 euro ex VAT (including coffee breaks, lunches and dinners but excluding accommodation). 

Finance and administration staff requiring information on the financial aspects of HORIZON EUROPE projects can choose to attend only the special one-day training course focused on project finance on 3rd October 2024. This training course will explain the funding rules for the HORIZON EUROPE programme, from budgets to eligible costs and on to cash flow and will consist of lectures and practical exercises.

✅ The cost of this one-day course is 300 euro ex VAT (excluding accommodation but including lunch and coffee breaks).

Workshops will be performed in English by professional trainers and qualified project managers.



Registration will be closed on 9th September 2024


  FEHRL has run International Project Management Training (IPM) courses for FEHRL Member-Institutes' staff and Partner organisations, from our Brussels offices, since 2007.



Are you interested to have more information at IPM?

 👉 Please contact info@fehrl.org

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