

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

Driving Simulator

Facility type: Driving simulator
Contact email: corinne.brusque@inrets.fr
Contact info: User name: LESCOT laboratory (Lyon-Bron) Department name: LESCOT laboratory (Lyon-Bron)
Website address:


Short technical description: The driver is seated in a real car. The frontal view is near 50° in horizontal and 30° in vertical. All the interactions between the driver and the car are connected, rearview mirrors are also simulated. The system incorpore the presence of other vehicles along road traffic. These equipments are used for many researches: effects of ageing and deficiencies on different human functions, relations between technological innovation, activity and the necessary training, perceptive aspects, cognitive aspects, evaluation of driving aids (autonomous speed regulation, anti-collison systems, vocal interfaces,..). Relevant standards: Financing of the facility:Financing of these infrastructures is obtained through a mix between grants from the government, and from industrial and european projects.


driving simulator, driving aids...


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