

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

Rural Traffic Simulator (RuTSim)

Facility type: Driving simulator
Contact email: andreas.tapani@vti.se
Contact info: User name: Andreas Tapani User position: Researcher User telephone: Phone +4613204280 Street: Olaus Magnus väg 35 City: Linköping Postcode: SE-581 95 Department name: Environment and traffic analysis
Website address:


Short technical description: Micro simulation system for the description of the traffic process on two-lane rural roads and 2+1 roads including climbing lanes and broad shoulders. The system is time-driven and implemented in C++. Unique features: Monte Carlo simulation with a stochastic model for overtaking depending of vehicle type and sight distance. Type of overtaking (flying or accelerated) is also an input in the overtaking model. Quantitative data on capacity or capability: Data for journey speed/journey time for different vehicle types. Fuel consumption for different vehicle types. Number of overtakings and overtaking ratios for light and heavy vehicles. Proportions of constrained journey time and journey lengths. Major upgrades: Enhanced model for the simulation of interactions and driver behavior at rural intersections Latest research: Speed-flow relationships for rural road designs with oncoming traffic separation (http://www.vti.se/templates/Report____2797.aspx?reportid=11847) and Traffic Simulation Modelling of Rural Roads and Driver Assistance Systems (http://liu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf;jsessionid=790eace893543f91a89cf6511595searchId=1&pid=diva2:63&rvn=4) Relevant standards: Financing of the facility: the model is developed by grants from Swedish Transport Administration supplied by VTI internal grants Construction date: 1977 Last upgrade: 2008 Specified type of facility: Microscopic traffic simulation Specified research application: Traffic simulation based evaluation of road and intersection designs, ITS and driver assistance systems


Microscopic simulation; rural roads; two-lane highways; 2+1 roads; oncoming traffic separation.


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