

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

VTI Driving Simulator VTI Truck Driving Simulator

Facility type: Driving simulator
Contact email: staffan.nordmark@vti.se
Contact info: User name: Staffan Nordmark User telephone: Ph.+46 13 20 41 49 Fax+46 13 14 14 36 City: Linköping Postcode: SE-581 95
Website address:


Short technical description: The driving simulators at VTI are all equipped with large moving bases featuring 7.5 m linear motion. They have been extensively used in international and national projects dealing with vehicle dynamics, human factors, hardware-in-the-loop, virtual reality. A new simulator with improved performance will be put in operation late 2002. A yaw movement is introduced allowing brake pulse and/or platoon driving experiments to be conducted by moving along the linear drive. Unique features: Large linear motion, roll and pitch. Wide angle visual system. Dedicated vibration table. Extremely low transport delays. Extensive validation studies have been performed comparing performance of drivers on the road and in the simulator. Vehicle model validated against several modern passenger cars. Large library of tire data covering all friction levels. Quantitative data on capacity or capability: Maximum acceleration 0.4g (old systems); 0.8g (new system). Transport delay: 25 ms View angle: 1200x300 Linear motion:+3.75m Major upgrades: The new Simulator with new moving base will be operative late 2002, and will in many respects be stateof-the-art even worldwide. Latest research: Vehicle dynamics: Directional stability of passenger cars and trucks. Hardware-in-the-loop: Silent or Noisy ABS. Software-in-the-loop: New drive trains. Human factors: Elderly drivers. Virtual Reality: Design of th Ring Highway system in Stockholm Relevant standards: Financing of the facility: through projects


Simulation, vehicle dynamics, human factors, hardware-in-the-loop, virtual reality...


Comparable facilities in EU: the only comparable simulator in EU is Daimler-Chrysler in Berlin. All others are more or less fixedbase or only very small moving bases: Leeds, TRL, TNO, INRETS

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