

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

Qd30 reflectometer

Facility type: Surface Characteristics
Contact email: l.goubert@brrc.be
Contact info: User name: Luc Goubert User position: Researcher User telephone: 0032 2 7660351 Street: Boulevard de la Woluwe 42 City: BRUSSELS Postcode: 1200 Department name: Environmental – Concrete Roads – Geotechnics – Surface Characteristics Division
Website address:


Short technical description: Field or laboratory measurement of the daytime visibility of road markings (Qd). Corresponds to the luminous intensity from a road marking as perceived by a car driver at a distance of 30 m, under diffuse illumination (i.e., conditions comparable to natural daylight under a clouded sky or to public lighting at night). Relevant standard: NBN EN 1436. Unique features: http://www.brrc.be



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