

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

U.S. Federal Highway Administration Geometric Design Laboratory (FHWA Geometric Design Laboratory)

Facility type: Databases and Computer models
Contact email: michael.trentacoste@dot.gov
Contact info: User name: Michael Trentacoste User position: Associate Administrator for Research, Development, and Technology/Director of Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center User telephone: 202-493-3999 Street: Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, 6300 Georgetown Pike City: McLean, Virginia Postcode: 22101-2296 Department name: U.S. Federal Highway Administration Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
Website address: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/research/tfhrc/labs/geometric/


Short technical description: Purpose: The mission of the Geometric Design Laboratory (GDL) is to provide technical support to the Office of Safety Research and Development to develop, maintain and enhance the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) — a suite of software tools for the safety evaluation of highway geometric design alternatives; and to support the coordination of IHSDM with related tools, including the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) and SafetyAnalyst. Laboratory Description: GDL staff focuses on the following tasks. * Support IHSDM, Highway Safety Manual, and other highway safety–related research efforts * Support the full life–cycle of IHSDM software development, including: development of functional specifications; performing verification and validation of the models that are core IHSDM components; providing recommendations to the IHSDM software developer on all facets of the software (e.g., the graphical user interface, output/reporting); preparing IHSDM documentation; performing Alpha testing of IHSDM software; and coordinating the Beta testing of IHSDM software by end–users. The GDL also helps coordinate the interaction of key players in IHSDM software development, including research contractors, software developers, end–users, and commercial CAD/ roadway design software vendors. * Support technology facilitation for the IHSDM and HSM — The GDL provides the sole source of technical support to IHSDM users, and also provides technical support to HSM users. GDL markets IHSDM and HSM to decisionmakers and potential end–users. Unique features: Laboratory Capabilities: GDL staff includes professionals with expertise in transportation engineering and familiarity with software development. This allows the GDL to support IHSDM development in various ways and to assume a unique coordination role. GDL’s transportation engineering expertise supports the laboratory’s function of reviewing and assisting in the development of the engineering models included in IHSDM for evaluating the safety of roadway designs. By combining transportation engineering and software development expertise, the GDL has the unique ability to evaluate software from both the software developer and end–user perspective. Communications and engineering skills help the GDL staff to understand the needs of the audience (e.g., design engineers), thereby supporting effective technical assistance to end–users. IHSDM development is a long–term effort, involving many research contractors, software developers, and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) staff. In addition, FHWA seeks input from end–users and user organizations to help ensure that IHSDM is responsive to user needs. GDL helps coordinate the interaction of all those involved with IHSDM development. GDL staff have been involved with HSM development and marketing, and the IHSDM Crash Prediction Module is a faithful implementation of HSM Part C (Predictive Method). Therefore, GDL staff is well equipped to support HSM–related activities. Laboratory Equipment: GDL is equipped with computer hardware and software typically employed by users of IHSDM, including commercial CAD/roadway design software. Laboratory Services: IHSDM includes six evaluation modules: (1) Crash Prediction, (2) Design Consistency, (3) Intersection Review, (4) Policy Review, (5) Traffic Analysis and (6) Driver/Vehicle. To develop and promote IHSDM, GDL staff provides or has provided the following services: * For all IHSDM safety evaluation modules: coordinated end–user Beta testing; conducted software testing to verify, validate, and evaluate the IHSDM software system; and developed and/or finalized the software’s functional specifications. * Participates in development and delivery of IHSDM training. * Provides the sole source of technical assistance to IHSDM users. * Supports coordination and integration of IHSDM with civil design software packages, including the development of software to extract roadway geometric data from GEOPAK® roadway design software. * Develops, reviews, maintains, and enhances documentation for IHSDM users. * Conducts technical reviews and prepares review comments on contract research deliverables. * Provides technical support in the development, production, and dissemination of IHSDM–related marketing materials, including an IHSDM preview CD–ROM. * Developed architecture and provides technical content for the IHSDM Web site. The GDL supports the HSM through implementation of HSM methods in IHSDM software by providing technical support to HSM users; by performing HSM–related technology facilitation; and by conducting HSM–related research.


geometric road design


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