

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

Vehicle-Pavement Interaction Facility (PFF)

Facility type: Noise measurements
Contact email: bartomlomaeus@bast.de
Contact info: Dr. Wolfram Bartolomaeus, senior researcher, section \"Environmental Protection\", telephone: +49 22044304 Bruederstrasse 53, D-51427 Bergisch Gladbach
Website address: www.bast.de/EN/Traffic_Engineering/Technology/V3-e-Akustikhalle.html


The vehicle-pavement interaction test facility consists of a large, rotatable, half-open drum inside which cassettes filled with realistic road materials are installed. Passenger car and truck tyres as well can roll on this road surface. The drum - with an internal diameter of 5.5 metres - is fixed to a central shaft by 12 spokes and is driven by a linear motor with a maximum speed of 280 km/h. The spokes are covered by sheet metal plates to avoid air turbulence and these are coated with sound-absorbing material. The central shaft is pivoted inside a frame structure with crossbeams.

The technical data can be found on the website of the faciliy.


vehicle-pavement interaction, pavement, tyre-pavement noise, rolling noise, noise emission, rolling resistance, rutting


last update: Ursula Blume/BASt, 18-01-03


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