

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

Light hall

Facility type: Other tests of Highway equipment (i.e. lighting devices)
Contact email: tews@bast.de
Contact info: Reinhard Tews, senior researcher section \'Environmental Protection\', telephone: +49 2204 434323 Bruederstrasse 53, D-51427 Bergisch Gladbach
Website address: www.bast.de/EN/Traffic_Engineering/Technology/V4-e-Lichthalle.html


Lighting tests and experiments of all lighting systems can be conducted in a 70-meter-long and 12-meter-high, completely dark light hall. The hall has no windows and the walls and the bottom are painted in black to prevent reflections. The test equipment required for the test is permanently installed in the light hall. e.g. a large rotating frame with a goniometer. The lighting characteristics such as luminance density, light intensity distribution or signal paint seen from a large measuring distance can be reliably tested. Furtheron the light hall can be used for special observation tests to assess and improve the signalling effect of various products, for example traffic signs. Construction date: 1982. Last upgrade: 2011


lighting test, lighting systems, luminance density, light intensity distribution, signals, traffic signs


last update: Ursula Blume/BASt, 18-01-04


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