

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

Driving Simulator

Facility type:
Contact email: schumacher@bast.de
Contact info: Dr. Markus Schumacher, deputy head of section \"Traffic Psychology, Traffic Education\", telephone: +49 2204 433301 Bruederstrasse 53, D-51427 Bergisch Gladbach
Website address: www.bast.de/DE/Verkehrssicherheit/Technik/U3-Fahrsimulator.html?nn=605466


The driving siumulator allows tests in a virtual environment. Various influences on the driver, e.g. the impact of age, illness, fatigue, distraction or psychoactive substances, can be investigated.

BASt's fixed-base driving simulator has a high quality projection system which displays a large field of view to the front and to the side (180°). The high resolution of the three projectors (1,400 x 1,050 pixels) allows for detailed representation of traffic and the environment. The rear and side mirrors are LCD-displays. The fully equipped drivers's cabin ensures a realistic overall implression. An engine built in to the steering column provides a realistic steering torque.The driving simulator is operated with 11 networked computers. Sounds from the own vehicle and those of other road users are played over a 5.1 sound system. The driving simulator is operated by a SILAB software which allows for a free design of the route geometry and the surrounding landscape. All data are recorded for subsequent analysis. Time-synchronous capturing of eye meovements is also possible. An EEG System measures the drivers' brainwaves.

All technical data of the facility can be found on the website.


driving simulator, driving skills, durgs, illness, fatigue, psychoactive substances, driving behaviour


last update: Ursula Blume/BASt, 18-01-05


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