

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories


Facility type: Libraries and Literature Databases
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Contact info: Street: ITECH
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Short technical description: CESAR-LCPC is an all-purpose software package based on the finite element method and adapted to resolving civil engineering and environmental problems: - structural computation, - soil and rock mechanics, - heat-related problems, - hydrogeology, - etc. Construction date: 1986 Last upgrade: 2003


constitutive laws; static; dynamic; FFT analysis; vibrations; seismic; environmental simulation; stability; rupture; pollutant migration, Tunnel, Embankment, Concrete structures, Bridge engineering, Road construction


Transfered by script test/facilities at 2010-07-29 08:30:49 / other info: >> name_last_updator: Alain DUBOUCHET | validator_name: alain maldonado <<

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