

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories


28.09.2012 10:09
Final DETRA project key materials now published

Final DETRA project newsletter gives details on DETRA reports and ETRA launch reception.

25.09.2012 12:09
FEHRL concludes DETRA project and helps to launch new ETRA concludes DETRA project and helps launch new European Transport Research Alliance.

17.09.2012 09:09
Video on Building Information Modelling (BIM) now available

Video by RWS on Building Information Modelling (BIM) now available as part of Asset Management for Forever Open Road.

10.09.2012 15:09
Launch of the European Transport Research Alliance (ETRA) in Brussels on 20th September 2012

Launch reception of the European Transport Research Alliance (ETRA) in Brussels on 20th September 2012. 

07.09.2012 11:09
Joint ETP Task Force workshop to be held in Brussels on 28th September 2012

Renaissance hotel in Brussels is venue for Joint ETP Task Force workshop to be held on 28th September 2012.
