

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

TYROSAFE - Tyre and Road Surface Optimisation for Skid Resistance and Further Effects

English name: Tyre and Road Surface Optimisation for Skid Resistance and Further Effects
Project status: finished
Project duration: 01.07.2008 - 30.06.2010
Website address:
Project budget: 1160000.00
Contact info: Public contact: Manfred Haider Public address: Gieffinggasse 2, 1210 Vienna, Austria Public comment: He is the project coordinator for Tyrosafe

Short description

TYROSAFE was a Coordination Action, funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) and started on the 1st of July 2008. The main objectives of the TYROSAFE project were to raise awareness, to coordinate and prepare for European harmonisation and optimisation of the assessment and management of essential tyre/road interaction parameters to increase safety and support greening of European road transport.

Full description

This Coordination Action would not only focus on the road surface but also on tyres and on the interaction between the road surface and tyres. Only an optimised interaction can lead to a high level of safety for drivers on the roads in European countries while ensuring the most positive greening effect, through reduction of CO2 output and noise emissions.

The TYROSAFE project has provided a synopsis of the current state of scientific understanding and its current application in national and European standards. It will identify the needs for future research and propose a way forward in the context of the future objectives of European road administrations in order to optimise three key properties of European roads: skid resistance, rolling resistance and tyre/road noise emission.

Apart from administrative management and dissemination there were four technical work packages dealing with:

WP1: Policies of EU countries for skid resistance / rolling resistance / noice emissions

WP2: Harmonisation of skid resistance test methods and choice of reference surfaces

WP3: Road surfaces properties - skid resistance / rolling resistance / noise emissions

WP4: Environmental effects and impact of climate change - skid resistance / rolling resistance / noise emissions

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