News - FEHRL team awarded key EEA framework agreement


Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

FEHRL team awarded key EEA framework agreement

A consortium led by the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) has been awarded a four-year European Environment Agency (EEA) framework agreement to provide expert assistance in the area of transport, emissions and the environment.  FEHRL members TRL and VTI (the Swedish National Road and Transport Institute) will work together with FEHRL itself (and its other members ) and the UK’s  Oxford University Centre for the Environment (OUCE).


Through this framework agreement, the team will be involved in a number of tasks to support the EEA in its mission of collating, analysing and assessing data, and reporting on Europe’s environmental performance. The work will also include regular updating of the EEA Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism (TERM). The transport sector is seen as one of the key areas in terms of environmental performance, requiring a multi-disciplinary approach due to its linkage with other areas of the economy.


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