News - SIMBA II meeting in South Africa


Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

SIMBA II meeting in South Africa

SIMBA II is a FP7 project aimed at increasing RTD cooperation between the EU and Brazil, China, India, Russia, South Africa. The two focus areas are ITS and road infrastructure. The European and South African Working Groups on Alternative materials in road construction held their first joint meeting at the premises of CSIR in Pretoria, South Africa on 9 and 10 July 2009.


The European group consisted of Gunilla Franzen (VTI), Akram Ahmedi (TRL), Laszlo Gaspar (KTI) and Adewole Adesiyun (FEHRL Office). The WG meeting looked at ways of creating a forum for knowledge sharing and establishing a common tool for evaluation of new alternative materials.





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