News - Survey Asphalt Paving - InfraROB


Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

Survey Asphalt Paving - InfraROB

Survey will close on March 11, 2022


Survey Asphalt Paving

As part of the HORIZON2020 research project InfraROB, the Technical University of Darmstadt is investigating the performance of the paver screed. In addition to information from the literature, laboratory tests and field trails, they are interested in the practical experiences of the paving personnel. For this purpose, they prepared a survey in three languages addressed to people who are directly involved in asphalt paving which will take approx. 10 min to complete. Feel free to forward this survey to your co-workers.

➡️ English:

➡️ Deutsch:

➡️ Español:

The survey will close on March 11, 2022


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