

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories


05.09.2014 15:09
FEHRL's September/October newsletter now published

FEHRL's September/October 2014 newsletter now published with information on FEHRL 25th anniversary and FIRM 15 event.

05.09.2014 15:09
SMARTRAIL final conference on 25-26th August 2014 in Ljubljana, Slovenia
SMARTRAIL final conference focused on user involvement and practical application of findings

28.07.2014 12:07
FEHRL and IFSTTAR to participate at ITS Forum 2014

FEHRL and IFSTTAR to participate at ITS Forum 2014  on September 30th in  Villeneuve d’Ascq (near Lille)

22.07.2014 11:07
TRIMM project organises four national workshops

TRIMM project organises national workshops in Poland, Turkey, Romania and Czech Republic.

11.07.2014 11:07
World Highways features FEHRL and FEHRL members in key article about TRA2014

World Highways features IFSTTAR, BASt, Infravation and Forever Open Road in key article about TRA2014.
