

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories


26.07.2018 10:07
INFRAVATION - Seminar Announcement
SEMINAR Rome 17-18/09/2018

20.07.2018 08:07
ITS Forum 2018: Traffic Management in a changing world
“Traffic Management in a changing world - Digitalization, Multimodality, Smart Infrastructures” is not only the main theme of the Forum, it also reflects a number of objectives of the European ITS Platform and European road operators/authorities"

19.07.2018 12:07
AM4INFRA final conference - a side event at TRA2018
5th Newsletter about AM4INFRA

19.07.2018 10:07
Plans for the main pilot of SENSKIN take shape
Final and open day of pilot organised on 21st September 2018

16.07.2018 15:07
Save the date already for FIRM19 and Infravation Final Conference!
Latest FEHRL newsletter also gives highlights of TRA2018 and TEN-T Days 2018!
