News - InfraROB Project 3rd Year Recap: Pioneering Innovation in Road Infrastructure


Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

InfraROB Project 3rd Year Recap: Pioneering Innovation in Road Infrastructure


InfraROB Project 3rd Year Recap: Pioneering Innovation in Road Infrastructure

The InfraROB project has continued to make waves in the realm of road infrastructure innovation, marking its third-year milestone with significant advancements and impactful presentations at key industry events.

Special Session 3.7 at TRA2024: Driving Resilience in Transportation

The project took centre stage at Special Session 3.7 during the Transport Research Arena 2024. This session, held on April 16, 2024, underscored the critical role of research and collaboration in bolstering the resilience of transport operations and infrastructure. Esteemed speakers such as Federico di Gennaro from Autostrade per l’Italia and Tanja Waaser from Transport Scotland highlighted pioneering strategies amid evolving climate challenges and increasing public event disruptions.

FEHRL-FHWA Workshop 2024: Showcasing Infrared Technology Advancements

Prof. Dr. Rade Hajdin presented groundbreaking insights from the InfraROB project at the FEHRL-FHWA Workshop in Washington. The focus was on infrared technology's transformative impact on road safety, efficiency, and sustainability. This presentation exemplified the project's commitment to pushing the boundaries of autonomous robotic machinery for road construction and maintenance.

Europe Connecting Days 2024: Revolutionizing Roadworks

FEHRL represented InfraROB at Europe Connecting Days, emphasizing advancements in automating and modularizing road infrastructure projects. The project's focus on cutting-edge technologies like drones and artificial intelligence promises to reshape traditional road construction practices, enhancing overall efficiency and safety.

CECE-CEDR Information Session: Integrating Autonomous Solutions in Road Construction

In a thematic webinar organized by CECE and CEDR, InfraROB showcased its technological strides in autonomous roadworks solutions. Experts from ASFINAG and Technische Universität Darmstadt presented on material behavior simulations and advanced leveling technologies, highlighting the project's contributions to improving road infrastructure integrity and performance.

Future Outlook: Innovating Road Maintenance with InfraROB

As InfraROB prepares for the future, recent milestones include the installation of a Structural Health Monitoring system featuring fiber optic sensors, demonstrating the project's commitment to innovation in road maintenance and sustainability.


The third-year journey of the InfraROB project has been marked by groundbreaking advancements and collaborative efforts aimed at revolutionizing road infrastructure. With ongoing support from industry leaders and stakeholders, InfraROB continues to pave the way for safer, more efficient, and sustainable road networks globally.

For more information on the InfraROB project and its latest updates, visit InfraROB's official website and stay tuned for future developments.


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