

Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories


19.06.2013 12:06
FEHRL becomes Associate member of EGVIA

European Green Vehicles Initiative Association (EGVIA) agrees to FEHRL's Associate membership at General Assembly on 5th June 2013

18.06.2013 11:06
FEHRL Presidency chosen from 2014-2016

New FEHRL Supervisory Board (FSB) elected as FEHRL Presidency from 2014-2016.

14.06.2013 15:06
General Assembly elects Executive Committee and Research Coordinator Chair

Changes to composition of FEHRL's Executive Committee (FEC) and the post of  Research Coordinator Chair have been agreed.

14.06.2013 12:06
FEHRL Secretary General gives testimonial on Horizon 2020

FEHRL Secretary General Steve Phillips explains how he sees research and innovation making a difference for a better future.

14.06.2013 11:06
FEHRL General Assembly (FGA) approves KGM as new member

Karayolları Genel Mudurlugu (KGM) or Turkish General Directorate of Highways to join FEHRL as new member following FGA approval.
